Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anya's Spaghetti Sauce

I made a huge portion of this so I could freeze a batch so you can definitely half this if you dont need as much. Also I didnt really measure anything and just went by taste.

Anya's Spaghetti Sauce

Green Bell Pepper, chopped
Onion, chopped
2 lbs ground beef
Italian Seasoning (next time I'm using individual herbs because the seasoning I have has just a tad bit too much rosemary in it for my tastes)
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
2 15 oz can tomato sauce
garlic powder

1. Brown ground beef with onion and bell pepper. Drain.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients.
3. Simmer for 15 minutes.

Per The Hermit this sauce is even better reheated. Go figure. ;)

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