Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pineappley Goodness and Chicken that........

Ron's favorite cake is a Pineapple Upside Down cake and when I stumbled across this recipe for one over at No Special Effects I knew I'd make it for him.

Wow! Uber yum! I'm not going to post the recipe here because I followed exactly how it was originally posted but here's the link : Pineapple Upside Down Cake. The directions are laid out in a way that even a beginning baker could follow them and it was just fun to make!

Ron liked it so much that when I woke up this morning I saw he had eaten half of the cake while I slept. heh. That's a good thing!

On the other end of the cooking spectrum, the chicken & dumplings I made were horrible. The recipe called for entirely too much thyme, especially considering it was the only spice it used, so when you took a bite that was all you tasted. I was extremely disappointed but I am not giving up on that cookbook (Cooking Light Annual Recipes 2000.)

Tonight we are going out to The Melting Pot for our anniversary. I've been wanting to go there for eons and no one has wanted to go with me. I had joked that since I got him tickets to Cats that I got to pick the restaurant we went to next and voila, now we will be dining with fondue fantasticness tonight. YAY! I'll let y'all know how it was!

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